I'm writing an application which involves lots of relations between  
tables.  Seen from a high level, my application will have to enforce  
lots of rules to ensure database integrity.  Before I used SQLite I  
would have enforced all these rules in my software.  But SQLite has  
lots of ways to do this itself, with ON CONFLICT, TRIGGERs, and stuff  
like that.  But I don't see any real reason to use these features, and  
I'm concerned about how well I can document what each of them is there  

I'm an experienced programmer and will have no problem enforcing the  
rules in my software.  On the other hand, SQLite does some of them  
very neatly, with less code than I'd need in my application.  On the  
gripping hand, if my software fails to do an operation it knows why  
and can generate a specific error message, whereas if SQLite hits a  
CONFLICT my error message would have to list all the possible reasons  
and let the user decide which one was the cause.

Do any of you have experience with doing this ?  Are there some  
conclusive points which will make me decide immediately that I should  
do it one way or the other ?  I accept reasoned argument, URLs,  
anecdotes, or anything else relevant.

By the way, the SQLite documentation is excellent but it's a little  
short on examples (unless there are a treasure trove of them somewhere  
I missed ?).  How would I, for example, make SQLite refuse to delete  
an account if any transactions are recorded for it ?  Make up your own  
schema for the two tables, as long at they're convincing.

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