What is the correct way to specify that SQLite should perform no caching
(or at least minimal caching)? PRAGMA cache_size=0 seems to have no
effect - either it continues to use the default, or tries to caches


-----Original Message-----
From: D. Richard Hipp [mailto:d...@hwaci.com] 
Sent: 16 June 2009 17:33
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] minimum cache_size for a database connection?

On Jun 16, 2009, at 8:28 PM, Dave Toll wrote:

> Hello list
> I've noticed that if I call "PRAGMA cache_size=0", my database rows  
> are
> still cached (very little disk access observed). If I call "PRAGMA
> cache_size=1" I can see that there is very little caching (disk access
> observed). Is there a minimum allowed cache_size setting? Does
> cache_size=0 mean "cache everything"? I am using SQLite 3.6.13 with  
> the
> default page cache, and shared-cache enabled.

I think any  cache size suggestion less than 10 is ignored.  That used  
to be the case.  I don't know if it still is.

Note that this does *not* control your operating systems file cache.   
This is SQLite's user-space cache only.

If more pages than the cache allotment are required, the the cache  
size limit is automatically increased.

D. Richard Hipp

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