Citando "D. Richard Hipp" <>:

> On Jun 18, 2009, at 12:36 PM, wrote:
>> This statement is giving me truoble:
>> INSERT INTO PlayList_Song(id_song, id_playlist, song_number) VALUES
>> (5235, 9, 256)
> That INSERT statement works fine for me.
> Did you try recompiling with optimizations turned off?
> D. Richard Hipp
> _______________________________________________
> sqlite-users mailing list

In order to be more confidence about what I'm saying, I downloaded the  
precompiled sqlite console 3.6.15 (windows  version), I executed the  
statement above and I've got the following error:

sqlite3.exe malformed_db.db
SQLite version 3.6.15
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> INSERT INTO PlayList_Song(id_song, id_playlist, song_number) VALUES
    ...> (5235, 9, 256);
SQL error: database disk image is malformed
sqlite> .q

Then I tried with a previous version and the statement has been well  
executed. A colleague of mine made the same test  and he had the same  
troubles. So I don't thing it's a compiler issue.
Did you make the test with windows console? Have I send you the  
database again?
Thanks for your helpfulness!

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