On Jun 24, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Michal Seliga wrote:
>> Instead of
>>     WHEN not exists(SELECT * FROM ....)
>> create an application-defined function (perhaps called
>> "enable_triggers()") that returns either 1 or 0 depending on the
>> setting of some variable in your application.  Then use
>>     WHEN enable_triggers()
>> The triggers will still launch, but calling an application-defined
>> function takes much less time than running NOT EXISTS, so the  
>> triggers
>> will very quickly figure out that they should exit without doing
>> anything.
> strangely, it didn't helped, time is almost the same with not exists  
> or with
> your idea. actually with function its even a little bit worse

Are you reparsing every INSERT separately or are you creating a single  
prepared statement and reusing it over and over?

D. Richard Hipp

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