On 8 Jul 2009, at 10:05am, Rstat wrote:

> We have a Mysql database here

This is a SQLite mailing list.  We talk about MySQL only in relation  
to SQLite.

> and are trying to find some good tools to use
> it at its best. Basically we are just starting up the database after  
> dealing
> with Excel: we had a size problem… So im trying to find a program  
> that will
> allow us to do two different things: the migration of our data from  
> the old
> system to the new one and a specialized software to perform ETL  
> (Extract,
> transform and load) on our database.
> About the price of the tools, if we were one year ago, the accounting
> department would have been pretty relaxed about this. But today, we  
> have
> some budget restrictions and therefore need a low cost tool. So  
> could you
> give me some advice on a good data migration and etl tool for a low  
> cost?

Well, your data is already in Excel.  You should be able to do a  
calculation for each row of data that yields the appropriate INSERT  
instruction.  Then just save those instructions into a file and use  
the database system's tools to execute the file.

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