Thank A.J. Milan!
Forcing VS2008 to compile the amalgamation as C (as opposed to the default C++) 
took care of everything.
I also had the comment-out the #include sqlite3.h header file, and let it use 
all the 'built-in' stuff (else you get an undefined
for the _sqlite3_version extern!)

Works fine now too.

Great forum!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of A.J.Millan
> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 12:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: [sqlite] .lib file?
> Basides the mentioned option of build a .lib file and link it statically
> against your code, or a dinamic library, there are the option of include the
> sqlite3.c file in your code without so many problems with the casting of
> pointers -and some others-.
> If you are using a C++ project in MS Visual Studio, the sqlite3.c file must
> be compiled as "C".
> See in:   File-Properties > C/C++ > Advanced > Compile As
> Select  "Compile as C Code (/TC)"
> The rest of the project can remain compiled as usual C/C++ files.
> Probably you must disable the use of precompiled headers also.
> HTH.
> A.J.Millan
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Paul Claessen paul at
> > Sat Jul 25 15:48:37 GMT 2009
> > To: paul at; General Discussion of SQLite Database
> > Subject: Re: [sqlite] .lib file?
> >> Two points though:
> > 1. The amalgated sources were, apparently, not written with MS Visual
> > Study in mind, since compiling it results in over 100 errors
> > (mostly invalid pointer conversions)
> > 2. If I have a number of apps, it would really be more efficient to use
> > the DLL.
> > I'm sure I can fix all the pointer casts (shouldn't be necessary if the
> > code used more consistent types!), but that would take me a
> > lot of time, plus, there should be a way to simply use the .dll: since
> > there IS a windows console app, there must be either a .lib
> > file somewhere, or there is an alternative way of using DLL's from a
> > windows console app, that I'm not aware of.
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