On Tue, 28 Jul 2009 16:32:51 -0400, Ram G
<mydevfor...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I have modified (credit goes to System.Data.SQLite) SQlite library to
>encrypt the database. File is encrypted and data insert/update/retrieval
>works fine.
>The question I have is, how secure is the encrypted database. Please correct
>me if I am wrong, SQLite reads the file and stores some of the data pages in
>memory. In the case of an encrypted database, the data cached in memory
>pages is encrypted or clear text?

Well, you modified the library, so you now better than we do
whether pages are decrypted when they are read into memory
or not. Which layer/subsystem did you change? 

If it is implemented in VFS, the pages in memory are not
encrypted and security depends on the access to the sqlite
memory from some other process, which depends on hardware,
operating system, and system/security administration.

>Thanks in advance.
  (  Kees Nuyt
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