Rael Bauer schrieb:
> 1) Is the efficiency (in terms of speed) of an index equal whether field is 
> INT/REAL/TEXT? (Where all data is of storage type INTEGER for INT field, REAL 
> for REAL, TEXT for TEXT)
> I did some tests which showed that speed is equal. My real question is:
> 2) If an indexed field contains records with a mix of storage classes (e.g. 
> some records are stored as REAL, some as TEXT), does this decrease speed 
> performance of the index in any way?
> Thanks
> Rael

If you have small tables the speed difference won't be large. But if 
your tables grow in size (number of rowsets) you'll measure a clear 
difference. The longer a index in bytes gets the less keys will fit on a 
single BTREE page so the depth of your BTREE where index relations are 
stored will get higher and you'll need more page accesses. As long as 
you don't get in the reagion of a depth higher than 2 levels (small size 
of rowsets) you won't measure a difference. But afterwards you'll see 
that Text > Reel > Int means also that the index access will reflect 
this relation. When you have indexes with more than one field the BTREE 
can store less keys on pages so the searchtime will increase.

For sqlite there is one more special thing to take into account. If you 
can use an int also as a primary key then do it because if not you'll 
always have a hidden column rowid (int) for each rowset while when you 
use your own unique integer as a primary key you will have one index 
table less and the B+Tree will use your integer. Less space, faster 
access without losing anything.

Hope this simple description will help.


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