On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Rich Shepard<rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Adler, Eliedaat wrote:
>> SQL/sqlite challenge  for all:
>   No challenge for anyone who knows SQL.
>> I need a running sum of size that works regardless of what order the objects 
>> are in.
>> User Function/Aggregates welcome!
>   _All_ implementations of SQL include a suite of aggregate functions, and
> SUM() is among those. Take a look at the SQLite Web site, Mike Owens's book,
> Rick van der Lans's book, or any introduction to SQL.
>   You will write, "SELECT filename, date, owner, size, SUM(size) AS total
>                        FROM mytable;"

Well, not really. The above totals across the entire result set. The
OP wants a running total, kinda like in a spreadsheet.

Since the question is phrased as a "challenge," I wonder if the OP has
the answer already, and merely wants to test the SQL sages on the
list. Otherwise, a better spirit would be to simply ask the question
as a question, and not as a challenge.

For my part, I don't know how to do a running total in a result set
unless I have some kind of a counter that keeps track of the "row
before the current row"

Puneet Kishor
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