
I'm new to this list and what prompted me to sign up was a SELECT
DISTINCT problem I experience in REALbasic (Linux), which has SQLite

REALbasic downgraded their latest version from SQLIte 3.6.3 to 3.6.0
Now, 3.6.0 behaves differently than 3.3.6 and 3.6.3 in the following manner:
(excuse me for using RB code, but I think it is readable)

dim rs as RecordSet
rs=dbEta.SQLSelect("SELECT DISTINCT V.resanr,C.namn"_
  +" FROM Voyages V,Category C WHERE C.kategorinr=V.kategorinr")

dim namnstr as string

namnstr=rs.Field("namn").StringValue   'I get a NilObjectException
here in 3.6.0 ...
namnstr=rs.Field("C.namn").StringValue   '... but not here.

namnstr=rs.Field("C.namn").StringValue   'I get a NilObjectException
here in 3.3.6 and 3.6.3 ...
namnstr=rs.Field("namn").StringValue   '... but not here.

There are workarounds, but is this a bug in SQLite 3.6.0?

Yes, at sqlite.org I read:
"SQLite version 3.6.3 fixes a bug in SELECT DISTINCT that was
introduced by the previous version."
So that shouldn't be it, since it was introduced in 3.6.2, right?

Lennart Ramberg
sqlite-users mailing list

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