Personally for me the current documentation style is more
understandable at a glance. Looking at it it's easier for me to
understand the sequence of terms I should use, what can be omitted,
what terms cannot be used together and so on. Old style looks for me
more like list of requirements for programmer who will implement
parser than user-readable documentation...

So apparently it's the matter of taste. :)

And it looks like this documentation style is not proprietary to
SQLite. Look for example here:
But unfortunately to me this style is not so popular as I've expected:

The only issue on which I can agree with you (and maybe something
should be done about it) is SQLite has no searchable text version
(Oracle has it though also not very convenient I think). I'm not sure
though how severe this issue is.


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 3:01 AM, Glenn Maynard<> wrote:
> SQLite had extremely readable SQL documentation:
>  It was clear and intuitive; I can understand it at a glance.
> At some point, it was replaced with
>  It's closer to a rendering
> of a parse tree than human documentation; I find it nearly unreadable.
>  With the text all baked into an image, it's also not searchable, and
> I have to scroll up and down to read what used to fit in half a page.
> Is the text SQL documentation available for current SQLite versions?
> --
> Glenn Maynard
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