
Metatranz StepSqlite Team is happy to announce the alpha release of
StepSqlite - a powerful, web-based PL/SQL compiler for SQLite. 

The alpha version is available FREE to try out
in your browser at



1.  Compile Targets: x86 linux and ARM iPhone using native SQLite C++
API in the back-end. 

2.  Zero-runtime overhead: Compiles your PL/SQL code to a shared library
which can be linked into your main app like any regular library -
requires no runtime. 

3.  Variable substitution: Write clear code by using variables directly
in SQL - no need to write binds. Fetch resultset row directly into
record type variables. 

4.  Stored Procedures/Functions - Freely usable from SQL and even C/C++

5.  Create triggers with procedural code.

6.  Cursors - For-loop Implicit cursors, Explicit cursors with arguments

7.  REF Cursors - strong and weak, stored procedures with REF cursor

8.  Cursor Attributes: %IsOpen, %Found, %NotFound, %RowCount

9.  Cursor Operations: Open,Open-For, Fetch, Close

10.  Iterative statements - For/While/Loop

11. Conditional statements - If-Elsif-Else-Endif

12. Nested blocks

13. Scalar Datatypes: Numeric, Varchar, Date

14. Complex Variable Types: Record, %TYPE, %ROWTYPE

15. SQL: Insert/Update/Delete/ Select Into scalar or record type 

16. Transactions: Commit/Rollback

17. Built-in date operations: Add/subtract days from date, diff any two
date expressions,  to_char(), to_date() using Oracle* semantics. 

18. And Much Much More........

More details, benefits, tutorial and FAQ at:

Send inquiries to: i...@metatranz.com
Send feedback to:  feedb...@metatranz.com

About Metatranz:
Metatranz LLC is committed to bringing the power and convenience of
big-database tools to the small-database world by using innovative
techniques and latest technology while preserving the small, fast and
* Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Metatranz LLC is Not associated with, endorsed by, or
sponsored by the Oracle Corp.

Sincerely yours,
The Metatranz StepSqlite Team

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