Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 9 Sep 2009, at 5:15pm, Stef Mientki wrote:
>> The situation is like this (simplified):
>> I've a table with persons: name, address, phone, etc.
>> I've another table with vehicles: car_or_bike, brand, type, build- 
>> year, etc.
>> The 2 tables are bounded by bind table: person_ID, vehicle_ID
> Well you cannot have one vehicle owned by more than one person.  So  
> you do not need your 'bind' table at all.  You just need to add a  
> column to the vehicle table which contains the person_ID.
Sorry Simon,
I expressed myself not well enough:
1 type of car can (and will) be owned by many persons.
But that always the problem with simplifications.
The real problem is about psychological / medical tests and questionnaires,
where a patient for each test scores on a number of scales.
As all scales are of the same type of data, they are all put in one table.

>> I know that every person has 1 car and 1 bike
> Do you mean exactly one car ?  Or up to but no more than one car ?  Or  
> at least one car ?
so yes exactly one car, or in reality 1 score on every scale.
>> I want to show up a table, with 3 columns:
>>          vehicle.brand[car]
>> vehicle.brand[bike]
>> I can get the result in the following way:
>> 1. create view Cars: persons join vehicle, where car_or_bike = car
>> 2. create view Bikes: persons join vehicle, where car_or_bike = bike
>> (and change the relevant colum names)
>> 3. join the above view 1 and 2
>> The first problem is that the above approach is quiet slow.
>> Both starting tables (persons and vehicles are also views),
>> and maybe it would be faster to create (temporary) tables ?
>> The second problem is that in the real situation
>> I'm not converting 1 column  to 2 columns,
>> but it can be as large as 1 column to 10 columns.
>> btw I'm running SQLite from Python, so maybe I should do some data
>> handling outside SQL (in Python) ?
> Yes, you are trying to get SQL to do your programming work for you.   
> Just do two SELECT commands in Python: one to find the car for the  
> person, and another to find the bike for the person.  No need to  
> create any temporary tables, create any views, do any joins, or keep a  
> huge table with all the results in.  Much smaller and faster.
Yes but that's not the goal,
the goal is to create a very easy environment,
where even a doctor or nurse can ask any question to the system.

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