On 18 Sep 2009, at 9:57pm, Igor Tandetnik wrote:

> Simon Slavin
> <slav...@hearsay.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 18 Sep 2009, at 9:07pm, Roger Binns wrote:
>>> Simon Slavin wrote:
>>>> * Unicode support from the ground up
>>> SQLite already has "unicode support from the ground up".  Try using
>>> non-Unicode strings and you'll see!
>> SQLite's indexing correctly understands how to order Unicode
>> strings ?
> With ICU extension enabled and correct collation specified, yes. Note
> that the correct ordering of Unicode strings is locale-dependent.

Okay.  So I create an indexed database in one locale.  I have a  
thousand records in there.  The indexes are created using the locale I  
set.  I then send a copy of this database to a client in another  
place, and the client has different locale settings.  The client adds  
another thousand records with their locale settings.  What happens  
when I use WHERE clauses with '<' or '>' ?  Does the system vaguely  
work, or does it get a mess ?

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