Hello, Adam,

Regarding: "... are there plans to stop sqlite3 from reading in all
column data on specific select queries? i.e I would like sqlite to ONLY
read column data for columns which are specified in the select and where

I'm no sqlite expert, and moreover I'm not sure I understand your
question properly.  Are you wanting to prevent sqlite from transferring
data columns from disk when those columns are not needed?

If so, I don't think that's generally feasible.  You might want to look
at sqlite's (and other database system's) architechture.   Sqlite will
instruct the operating system to read *pages* that it needs to complete
your requests.

That being said, you *can* sometimes improve performance by locating
less-used columns later in your table definition (i.e., "to the right
of" the more-used columns).  Even better, you can place large blob-ish
fields into separate tables, along with an indexing identifier, in the
hope that these pages will be read only when required.

What problem are you attempting to solve?

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