C. Mundi wrote:
> On 9/25/09, Jay A. Kreibich <j...@kreibi.ch> wrote:
>> ...
>>   CSV is a great quick and dirty format to move data.  But it isn't
>>   "simple" and it isn't nearly as universal as many assume.  It works
>>   great if you're just moving simple numbers and strings that don't
>>   include commas, but becomes a mess when you get into exceptions.
>>   Personally, I'd rather have the SQLite team working on core database
>>   features than trying to build a better CSV parser.  The problem
>>   is non-trivial and borders on unobtainable and, as Carlos
>>   proved so clearly, there are better, easier, faster ways.
> Jay...
> Your post neatly articulates virtually every facet of this issue.
> Thank you.  I wish we could get everyone to stop using csv.  I hate to
> look at xml but I often wish everyone would use it instead of csv.  I
> would hate to see any of the sqlite core devs  waste time on csv.
> Carlos

But XML has its own difficulties with SQL data sets.  For example, how 
do you distinguish between NULL and the empty string?  And then there's 
the obvious inefficiency in writing the column name twice for each row.
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