On Oct 6, 2009, at 8:00 AM, Koston, Thorsten (ICT) wrote:

> Hello,
> i have a problem with the sqlite 3.5.6 C-API.
> I want to change the page_size and the cache_size.
> I edit this values in the sqlite3.c file. Then i build the sqlite new
> and start my application, whick uses sqlite.
> In the application i copy a table of a db to another db (so open an  
> new
> db, select of the old db, insert in the new db). Nothing more.
> But when i read the values for page_size and cache_size of the new
> created db with terminal i get page_size 2048 und cache_size 2000 ( i
> use the pragma statement).
> And it doesn't matter, which values i enter in the sqlite3.c file.
> I think that should be only a bagatelle, but i have no idea.
> Is someone here, which can help me?

The page size for a database is fixed when the database is created.   
It is a property of the database file, not a property of the sqlite3  
library.  The page size in the sqlite3 source code is merely the  
default page size used when creating new database files.

The default page and cache sizes can be set by command-line options  
when compiling.  You should not need to modify the source code.  See:


D. Richard Hipp

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