
1. Use tcl backup API

The "backup" method 
The "backup" method makes a backup copy of a live database. The command syntax 
is like this: 
dbcmd backup ?source-database? backup-filename 
The optional source-database argument tells which database in the current 
connection should be backed up. The default value is main (or, in other words, 
the primary database file). To back up TEMP tables use temp. To backup an 
auxilary database added to the connection using the ATTACH command, use the 
name of that database as it was assigned in the ATTACH command. 
The backup-filename is the name of a file into which the backup is written. 
Backup-filename does not have to exist ahead of time, but if it does, it must 
be a well-formed SQLite database. 
The "restore" method 
The "restore" method copies the content a separate database file into the 
current database connection, overwriting any preexisting content. The command 
syntax is like this: 
dbcmd restore ?target-database? source-filename 
The optional target-database argument tells which database in the current 
connection should be overwritten with new content. The default value is main 
(or, in other words, the primary database file). To repopulate the TEMP tables 
use temp. To overwrite an auxilary database added to the connection using the 
ATTACH command, use the name of that database as it was assigned in the ATTACH 
The source-filename is the name of a existing well-formed SQLite database file 
from which the content is extracted.

2. Use sql commands to copy database structure from sqlite_master table and 
copy data

2006-02-20: A simple TCL-Implementation for loading a DB into memory: 
proc loadDB {dbhandle filename} { 
    if {$filename != ""} {
        #attach persistent DB to target DB
        $dbhandle eval "ATTACH DATABASE '$filename' AS loadfrom"
        #copy each table to the target DB
        foreach {tablename} [$dbhandle eval "SELECT name FROM 
loadfrom.sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'"] {
            $dbhandle eval "CREATE TABLE '$tablename' AS SELECT * FROM 
        #create indizes in loaded table
        foreach {sql_exp} [$dbhandle eval "SELECT sql FROM 
loadfrom.sqlite_master WHERE type = 'index'"] {
            $dbhandle eval $sql_exp
        #detach the source DB
        $dbhandle eval {DETACH loadfrom}

Best regards, Alexey Pechnikov.
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