This must be my error, but I am not seeing it. Your input is requested.

   I have a table named Penalties with a column named DateIssued and a
datatype of DATE. A select operation shows dates such as 4/6/1992 and

   To delete all rows with dates earlier than 1/1/2005 I used the statement:

DELETE FROM Penalties WHERE DateIssued < '1/1/2005';

but it did not delete the records. Doesn't matter if I use single quotes,
double quotes, or no quotes.

   Trying to figure out where my syntax is faulty I tried selecting those
records, but none are presented. I'm sure it's a simple user error in my
syntax, but I don't see what that error is and I don't find anything in Rick
van der Lans's or Mike Owen's books that's different from what I've tried.

   I'm sure it's a head-slapping, obvious error so please point it out to me.



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