I have a database containing a single table, with FTS3:

create virtual table my_fts_table using fts3
        last_name   text not null,
        first_name  text not null,
        middle_name text not null,
        identifiers text not null,
        address_1   text not null,
        city        text not null,
        state       text not null,
        zip         text not null

I loaded a large number of records (20 million) into this table. I then 
proceeded to run queries against this table, of the following form:

select rowid from my_fts_table where my_fts_table match @query limit 21

This query (usually) returns very quickly. For example, when @query is 
'nicky nigel', the query returns in mere milliseconds (59, and that's as 
measured by a web browser client when the server's doing the work). If I 
modify the query to be something like 'nicky nigel indiana', the query 
suddenly takes MUCH longer. Over 17 seconds, in fact. It returns fewer 
rows (2 versus 4), but it seems like it must be searching for each term 
individually and then doing the intersection of those results. 'indiana' 
of course returns LOTS of rows (7927809 to be exact), because it's not 
very selective.

I'm wondering if there's something I'm doing wrong, or whether this is 
just an artifact of the FTS3 implementation. I'd love to use it, it's 
simple and perfect for my needs (and I'm already using SQLite in this 
project so it's a great fit), but having the query suddenly take 
"forever" because someone included a state in the search just won't work 
for me.


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