This behavior of "is" appeared in 3.6.19. What version of SQLite do you have?


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Tom Sillence <> wrote:
> The documentation, suggests that "is"
> behaves like "=" except that "null is null" returns true. However in
> practice the sqlite sql parser won't accept the word "is" followed by
> anything other than "null" (oh and I suppose "not" as in "is not").
> sqlite> select 1 is 2;
> SQL error: near "2": syntax error
> sqlite> select 1 is null;
> 0
> It seems to me the documentation is wrong here. That said I'd much rather
> the behaviour of sqlite changed to match the docs rather than vice-versa
> because I really want to write neat queries like:
> select col1 is col2 from table
> Cheers
> Tom Sillence
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