On Nov 4, 2009, at 5:41 PM, Levent Serinol wrote:
>    I wrote a new application four our company which will be used to  
> replace our maildir (file) based mail system into sqlite db files  
> for every user. Everything looks perfect except select queries on  
> big tables is slow.
> Briefly my schema is like this,
>  mail_id auto inc primary key, uid varchar, from varchar,reply_addr  
> varchar, mail_header blob, whole_mail blog, subject varchar, folder  
> int, mail_flags int,....

mail_id needs to be INTEGER PRIMARY KEY for maximum efficiency.  The  
AUTOINCREMENT part is ok to add but probably does not matter in your  
application.  See http://www.sqlite.org/autoinc.html

>  I have created indexes for uid,from,flags,subject,mail_flags which  
> is mandatory on a mail application. I have imported 28,000 emails in  
> a sqlite database and 118,000 emalis into another database file.  
> they are completely different database files for test purposes. The  
> problem is when I do select query as below:
> select COUNT(mail_id) from mails_table where folder=2 and  
> mail_flags=1;

CREATE INDEX some_index_name ON  mails_table(folder,mail_flags);

> it takes a huge amount of time to calculate the results.
> first database file is 600 MB for 28,000 mails.
> second database file 2.7GB for 110,000 mails.
> I run the sqlite3 command line utility with strace to figure out  
> what is going on, What I saw is, sqlite is reading whole pages  
> (every column for every row). The query is not using for example  
> subject and mail_header fields. But strace shows that it's been read  
> by sqlite itself while walking the table.
> What do you suggest for the solution ?
> separaring the blogs into another table and let small columns on  
> main table ?

Separating the mail body BLOBs into a separate table would help too.   
But the index above will help the most, I suspect.

D. Richard Hipp

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