"Tim Romano" <tim.rom...@yahoo.com> schrieb im
Newsbeitrag news:4b0149c9.8000...@yahoo.com...
> ...
> My query with the LIKE operator worked instantaneously
> in MS-Access,  BTW, where I originally had the database.
Since Access *.mdbs are often used with(in) VB- or
VBA-based applications - are you by any chance
using my COM-wrapper (dhRichClient3.dll) to work with
If that is the case, the wrapper overrides the original
Like-function of the sqlite-engine, to perform Unicode-
aware comparisons on Windows-WStrings - and it also
tries its own "optimizations" in case you've passed an
"indexable" Like-comparison-string (with a '...%' at the
right-hand-side) in your Select.

Your index on the text-column in question would have to be
created (and "attributed") with ... Collate NoCase, to make
the "indexed Like optimizations" work as expected.


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