I wanted to get a clearer sense of how SQLite treats decomposed Unicode 
characters (http://unicode.org/faq/char_combmark.html#2) in its various 
string functions and with the concatenation operator yet there doesn't 
seem to be any way to get them into the database using the SQlite3.EXE 
command-line.   I didn't see a  function like SQLServer's NCHAR() that 
returns a character (~Unicode string) from a codepoint, which would 
enable something along these lines from the command-line:

insert test
(id, myTextColumn)
values(1, unicharFromCodePoint(437) || unicharFromCodePoint(807) ) -- 
Latin capital letter Z with stroke (U+01B5)  || a combining cedilla (U+0327)

This would be a convenient function to have. Are there technical 


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