On 25 Nov 2009, at 2:06pm, Pavel Ivanov wrote:

>> I couldn't find the answer documented anywhere, so I will have to assume 
>> that it may change in future versions.  Unless the requirement for depth 
>> first is somewhere in the SQL specification.
> I believe it should be. Triggers should be executed before the
> statement causing them to fire is considered successful. Otherwise all
> triggers checking some constraints and prohibiting incorrect data (and
> thus raise(...) function) are useless.

Ahha.  That makes sense: it would have to RAISE an error and back out the other 
transactions anyway, so it may as well do the TRIGGERs first.  Okay, on that 
basis I can write my code assuming that it will always behave depth-first.

The same is true of FOREIGN KEY, by the way (I checked), but that's a bit more 
obvious since breaking FOREIGN KEY will always result in a database the 
programmer would consider corrupt.  I wrote some code in another DBMS once that 
betrayed that it did some really nasty things when one FOREIGN KEY triggered 
another one.

Thanks for the help.

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