
Playing around with attached databases in sqlite 3.6.17, I notice that it 
is possible to create triggers that operate across attached databases, but 
not views.  So something along the lines of:

attach database "other.db" as other;
create table other.a(a integer);
create table b(a integer);
create view v as select * from a union select * from b;

will fail with an error "no such table: main.a" and if explicitly linked 
to "other" then it fails with the error "cannot reference objects in 
database other".

However, the following will work:

create trigger t before insert on b
  when (select rowid from a where a=new.a) is null
    select raise(abort,'need to insert into a first!');

Is there a technical reason why triggers work, but views don't, or is this 
just a feature that's not currently supported in views?  I know that I can 
create a temporary view and this works.  Is this something I can "hack" 
easily and has anyone any experience?  I'm not afraid of getting my 
fingers dirty!

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