
>Is it the command-line program misinterpreting the CR/LFs?

Unfortunately, any command-line tool will interpret control characters 
at their face value when they are fed directly.

With no ad hoc program doing it for you, the solution, as I've 
discussed at length before and even if it is far from optimal, is to 
use a command-line tool or combination thereof that will open your 
binary file, read each byte in turn and output its hex value in plain 
ASCII characters, until end of file.  That (possibly long) chain of 
text can be stored as a single BLOB without any problem using for 
instance an SQL file fed to sqlite3.exe.

Another much simpler possibility is to use one of the good SQLite 
managers available and use it to load the data/file in the cell where 
it belongs.  It all depends if you need to do that in a very small 
number of instances or if you have to perform such loading routinely.

>I'm reluctantly on a Windows system.

Don't feel like a rebel, despite its problems you can have some work done.

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