I don't know if this has come up before, is so please point me to the
right direction :)

I believe that using parameterized queries with views does not work
as expected.

consider this (more or less self-explanatory) schema:

create table artists(artist_id)
create table songs(song_id)
create table song_artist(song_id,artist_id)

create view VARTISTS as
 select t1.*,
 (select count(*) from song_artist t2 where t1.artist_id=t2.artist_id)
as CNT
 from artists
 The sql may be a little off as I am typing this from scratch, but you
get the
 now, if I do this:
 select * from VARTISTS where CNT=10
 it works.
 This, however, always returns an empty result set :
 select * from VARTISTS where CNT=:PARAM,
 for any value I bind to :PARAM.
 is this known/documented ?
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