Hi everyone,

first off thanks to everyone for replying to my answer!

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 1:00 PM,  <sqlite-users-requ...@sqlite.org> wrote:

>   7. Re: SQL question (Pavel Ivanov)
>   8. Re: SQL question (Rich Shepard)
>  10. Re: SQL question (Igor Tandetnik)
>  11. Re: SQL question (Simon Slavin)
>  12. Re: SQL question (Tim Romano)

> From: Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com>

>> Schema of DB (simplified):
>> - Oper (string)
>> - Product (string)
>> - Category (string)
>> - Name (string)
>> - CreateTS (Timestamp)
>> - Value (Double)

>   The schema refers to the set of tables, and the attributes within each
> table. Is the above one table or a set of tables.

Ok I should have been more specific: it's one table only (for historic
reasons as I've learned lately).

>> Primary keys are Oper, Product, Category, Name and CreateTS
>   There is only one primary key per table.

So to say the primary key is "Oper, Product, Category, Name, CreateTS".

>> Can I do that in SQL in one query?
>   I urge you to learn about database design and SQL. You can find a lot of
> information on the Web and there are many good books on each topic. Only one
> of the above attributes is specified as 'Double', yet you write about
> dumping data as doubles into each one. Step back and do some learning before
> you dig a big hole and fall into it.

Yeah thank you for pointing that out. Now I'll let my company know
this, then wI'll have a coffee with my team leader and laugh about it
a bit and then I'll go on digging my big hole. :-D
No seriously - and please don't take that as ad hominem because it
isn't - I need to get things running quickly. I do apologize if I got
some of the wording wrong and I do apologize if I could not get my
question very right the first time. But your "solution" does not help

(And I'll point out some solution I got as PM which is working very
well and which I understood.)

> Message: 10
> Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 11:20:49 -0500
> From: "Igor Tandetnik" <itandet...@mvps.org>
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQL question
> To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> Message-ID: <hftrh1$t2...@ger.gmane.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="ISO-8859-1"
> Florian Schricker <fschric...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Schema of DB (simplified):
>> - Oper (string)
>> - Product (string)
>> - Category (string)
>> - Name (string)
>> - CreateTS (Timestamp)
>> - Value (Double)
>> Primary keys are Oper, Product, Category, Name and CreateTS
>> What I could not figure out: Suppose I want to select rows by "op",
>> "cat", "product" and get all measurements "m1" to "m4" with the latest
>> timestamp in CreateTS.
>> So for a set of measurements identified by everything but their name
>> select the latest rows as defined by the timestamp.
> select * from mytable t1
> where oper=:oper and product=:product and category=:category and
> createTs = (select max(createTs) from mytable t2
>    where t1.oper = t2.oper and t1.product = t2.product and t1.category = 
> t2.category and t1.name = t2.name
> );

Works fine - thank you. I chose a similar, see below.

> From: Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org>

>> - CreateTS (Timestamp)

> No such type in SQLite.  Take a look at

Ok this one seems to be some problem with me vs SQLite. I got the
create clause for the table from somebody else inside my company (some
DB2 guy) which is


and which was working fine to create the table. Just to clarify - what
has happened here? (I guess it is converted to text by SQLite but I'm
not sure.)

> From: Tim Romano <tim.rom...@yahoo.com>

> If I understand your question correctly, Florian, you want the most
> recent Value for each entity represented by the composite primary key
> {oper, product, category, name}.
> To find the rows that contain the most recent values (although not yet
> the values themselves)  you first need to aggregate by the composite key
> and then use an aggregate max() function to find the latest (biggest)
> value for the timestamp column for each aggregation:
> select oper, product, category, name, max(CreateTS) as LatestTimestamp
> from yourTable
> group by oper, product, category, name
> The query above returns the rows that contain the most recent
> measurement but does not return the value itself.  To get your values,
> you can join your table again to the query above, representing the query
> above as an inline view ( a set of data or a "relation"):
> select oper, product, category, name, value
> from yourTable as T
> (
> select oper, product, category, name, max(CreateTS)
> from yourTable
> group by oper, product, category, name
> ) as MostRecent
>  on T.oper = MostRecent.oper
> and  T.product=MostRecent.product
> and T.category=MostRecent.category
> and T.name=MostRecent.name
> and T.CreateTS = MostRecent.LatestTimeStamp
> order by T.oper, T.product, T.category, T.name
> NOTE, that this approach assumes the data in column CreateTS is a string
> and always follows the format:
> 2009-11-24 09:49:20.25

Yes you are completely correct in what I'm trying to do. And thank you
for clarifying on the possibilities there are using joins.

But since I am atm only interested in full rows anyway I am running

from table
where oper = 'myOper' and product = 'myProduct' and Category = 'myCategory'
group by OPER, PRODUCT, CATEGOY, NAME order by CREATETS desc

which is working fine (and thank you Jeffrey Hoover for that.)

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