On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 4:08 PM, jose isaias cabrera
<cabr...@wrc.xerox.com> wrote:
> Greetings and salutations.
> I would like to trim a column from all white spaces.  I know how to do it
> programmatically, but I would like to do it right to the DB. Is this a
> possibility?
> Image this statement:
> (
>  id integer primary key,
>  ProjID integer,
>  subProjID,
>  parent,
>  vEmail,
>  notes,
>  status
> );
> say that I want o clean up the vEmail column by trimming all whitespaces at
> the beginning and the end of the data.  I know that trim(vEmail) will do it,
> but what would be the command to run to trim all of the existing records?

SELECT trim(col_name) FROM table

If you want to create a new table, just SELECT the desired columns
into a new table

CREATE TABLE trimmed_table AS SELECT trim(col1), trim(col2)... FROM old_table;

> Also, how to I trim specific characters?  Say tab, or char(0) or char(X),
> etc?  I know that I do trim(vEmail,Y), but how do I represent tab? or
> newline? etc.?

\t for tab, \n for newline and so on.

> thanks,
> josé

Puneet Kishor http://www.punkish.org
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