SQLite version 3.6.21
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table t1(a int);
sqlite> create table t2(a int);
sqlite> create table t3(a int);
sqlite> insert into t1 values(1);
sqlite> insert into t2 values(2);
sqlite> insert into t3 values(1);
sqlite> select * from t1 join t2 on t1.a < t2.a join t3 using(a);
sqlite> update t3 set a = 2;
sqlite> select * from t1 join t2 on t1.a < t2.a join t3 using(a);

First join produces 2 columns named a so result of the query should by
similar to:
MySQL: Column 'a' in from clause is ambiguous
PostgreSQL: ERROR: common column name "a" appears more than once in
left table
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