Hello listers,

I am trying to migrate to Sqlite3.6.21. I visited the Sqlite site and 
downloaded the compiled file. I'm surprised in verifying that the zip only had 
the executable. I hoped to find also the DLL.

Well, since I could not find the DLL file concerning this version, I presumed 
DLL does not change and for this reason, an update is not necessary for it.

In order to do my first test, I created the following tables and inserted some 

create table cities


id integer primary key not null,

name text not null


create table people


id integer primary key not null,

name text not null,

cities_id integer not null,

foreign key(cities_id) references people(id)


insert into cities(name) values('Campos');

insert into cities(name) values('Araraquara');

insert into cities(name) values('Recife');

insert into cities(name) values('Curitiba');

insert into people(name, cities_id) values('João', 3);

insert into people(name, cities_id) values('Maria', 2);

The objective is to test the new support for foreign keys. I hoped that this 
command failed:

insert into people(name, cities_id) values('John', 8);

Unfortunately, the value was added successfully.

Is there something wrong? I need to do something to enable the foreign key 

This is my first message to the list. It's a pleasure for me to join the Sqlite 

Luciano de Souza
sqlite-users mailing list

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