No, it's not possible. You can try something like this:

update table_name set blob_value = blob_value||appendix where ...

But here SQLite will still need to read original data, concatenate and
write new, although you by yourself won't read and concatenate
anything. And I'm not sure whether it will work if your blob contains
nulls or any incorrect UTF-8/UTF-16 bytes.


On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 4:15 AM, cp <> wrote:
> I'd like to be able to append some data to a binary field (BLOB)
> without reading the original data, concatenating it, and then setting
> it all back. Is this possible?
> If matters, I want to append pictures to a field, probably using a
> struct like
> struct {
>  int       pic_type,
>  int       pic_size,
>  byte*   pic_data
> }
> thanks in advance
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