On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 12:40:52AM +0000, Simon Slavin scratched on the wall:
> On 27 Jan 2010, at 12:25am, Jean-Christophe Deschamps wrote:
> > Why don't you use a :memory: database for this?
> This has the advantage of removing the chance of a name-space collision.

  Can't happen with a temp database anyways.  Like in-memory databases,
  temp databases are only associated with one database connection.

  Also, if you set "PRAGMA temp_store=memory" then your temp database
  *is* an in-memory database.

  Regardless, temp database are always cleaned up when the database
  connection is closed.  And since temp tables and indexes go into the
  temp database, and not your main active database, there is no
  long-term maintenance.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Our opponent is an alien starship packed with atomic bombs.  We have
 a protractor."   "I'll go home and see if I can scrounge up a ruler
 and a piece of string."  --from Anathem by Neal Stephenson
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