On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 8:19 AM, james pruett <gpscru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am writing an open source program.
> I am having trouble getting any results using this query. This returns 
> none....
> select * from signs where lon>-121 and lon<-119;
> onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
>      db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " (" + _ID
>            + " VARCHAR(45), " + TAGG
>            + " VARCHAR(45), " + LAT
>            + " FLOAT      , " + LON
>            + " VARCHAR(45), " + COG
>            + " VARCHAR(45), " + MPH
>            + " VARCHAR(45), " + KPH
>            +  " TEXT NOT NULL);");
>   }
> Here is the database using RazorSQL v504
> select * from signs;
> _id                  time     tag      lat         lon    cog    mph   kph
> 1    1264890306692    test    20.0    -120.0    0.0    45.0    0.0
> 2    1264890311484    test    20.0    -120.0    0.0    45.0    0.0
> 3    1264890345263    test    20.0    -120.0    0.0    45.0    0.0
> 4    1264890346700    test    20.0    -120.0    0.0    45.0    0.0

Given your data, you need lon >= -120 and lon < -119

You are not comparing with >=. You are using only >

See more

sqlite> CREATE TABLE signs (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, lat REAL, lon REAL);
sqlite> INSERT INTO signs VALUES (1, 20.0, -120.0);
sqlite> INSERT INTO signs VALUES (2, 20.0, -120.0);
sqlite> INSERT INTO signs VALUES (3, 20.0, -120.0);
sqlite> INSERT INTO signs VALUES (4, 20.0, -119.5);
sqlite> SELECT * FROM signs;
id          lat         lon
----------  ----------  ----------
1           20.0        -120.0
2           20.0        -120.0
3           20.0        -120.0
4           20.0        -119.5
sqlite> SELECT * FROM signs WHERE lon > -120.0 AND lon < -119.0;
id          lat         lon
----------  ----------  ----------
4           20.0        -119.5
sqlite> SELECT * FROM signs WHERE lon >= -120.0 AND lon < -119.0;
id          lat         lon
----------  ----------  ----------
1           20.0        -120.0
2           20.0        -120.0
3           20.0        -120.0
4           20.0        -119.5
sqlite> SELECT * FROM signs WHERE lon >= -120 AND lon < -119;
id          lat         lon
----------  ----------  ----------
1           20.0        -120.0
2           20.0        -120.0
3           20.0        -120.0
4           20.0        -119.5

> -----------
> I have tried lon= varchar(45) and also as a FLOAT, and both don't seem
> to handle negative numbers correctly.
> Any help appreciated!
> Jim
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