"Luke Evans" <luk...@me.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Thanks very much for your notes Olaf.
> I've done as you suggest... I already had SQLITE_THREADSAFE=2
> defined, but didn't have the SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE
> asserted (assuming private cache to be the default).

Ok, don't know the (compile-)default of SQLites
SharedCache-mode - this was only to make sure,
nothing went wrong with regards to your ...sqlite3_open_v2() call.

And BTW (since you asked that below) ... with the term:
"dynamic access-mode-switches" I meant these switches
in the open-call - which you mentioned in your first post:

  "despite having SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD set,
   used on open."

Reading your posted code-snippet (good you've included that) -
it seems, you're handling such a "threaded read-request"
*including* the open-call in each these "ReadOut-QueryActions".

How does the whole thing perform, if you throw out
the Open-call from your threaded request-handling?

For that you could change your threading-model to a "longer-
living one", spanning the workerthreads with a "fixed thread-
pool-count", each thread then opening your DB on startup.
And then let all these worker-threads in the pool enter an
efficient wait-loop, waiting for a "process-request" message...
(Not sure about the threading-model on OS-X - I'm more
 a Windows-guy).

Then (in case of an incoming query on your main-thread)
you could perform a loop on your central "threadpool-
handler-object" (which knows all its spanned worker-threads)
for a "free-slot" (a shared memory-area), then place the
SQL-string there and inform the found worker-thread
with a "Messaging-Event-mechanism of your choice",
that it has to process the query and place your resultset-object
in its thread-slot.

Long story short - I suspect the open-call, to be the "blocker"
in your "SharedCache-Mode=Off"-scenario.

Would be interested, how the whole thing performs (and
compares to your 4.5 seconds in SharedCache-mode),
if you ensure the DBHandle-values beforehand within your
threads (soon after thread-startup) - and then perform only
the "statement- and step-actions" in your threaded timings -
and maybe try the performance-test more than once in your
test-session, to get also the timings for "hot SQLite-caches"
(on each of your separate "Thread-DBHandles").


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