>I have a (small) directed graph which I would be able to fins all
>ancestors or descendents of a certain vertex (transitive closure?).
>So, using this graph:
>CREATE TABLE levels_levels (parent_id INTEGER ,child_id INTEGER,
>UNIQUE(parent_id, child_id));
>INSERT INTO "levels_levels" VALUES(6,7);
>INSERT INTO "levels_levels" VALUES(6,8);
>INSERT INTO "levels_levels" VALUES(8,9);
>INSERT INTO "levels_levels" VALUES(7,10);
>INSERT INTO "levels_levels" VALUES(9,10);
>which would look like this:
>  6
>7 8
>|  9
>I would like to make it possible to find 10 as a descendent of 8 and 6
>as a parent of 9 (for instance).
>I have found a couple of procedural solutions using procedural calls
>in sql server or postgresql, but is there a solution that I could get
>into sqlite?
>The graph will never be very big, updating efficiency is not an
>important factor. It will be queried a lot though, so search
>efficiency is important.

Re-implement your levels_levels table as a couple of twin trees 
(father, mother) using integer intervals (lookup nested tree).  All 
common queries into that can then be made very efficiently using a 
single SQL statement.  Inserts (and updates but are there many in 
genealogy?) will definitely take longer, but your tree probably doesn't 
see too many new leaves each second!

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