Thanks Pavel!


Pavel Ivanov wrote:
>> Is there documentation that talks about about the various binding place
>> holders or is this a standard SQL construct?
> Probably this will help you:
> Pavel
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Vance E. Neff <> wrote:
>> Thanks to all those who responded!  It was quite educational.
>> I'm using the zentus java jdbc wrapper.  It seems to only support an
>> index # for the binding index so I'm stuck with being careful as to how
>> I count ?s.
>> Is there documentation that talks about about the various binding place
>> holders or is this a standard SQL construct?
>> Vance
>> D. Richard Hipp wrote:
>>> On Mar 19, 2010, at 3:29 PM, David Bicking wrote:
>>>> --- On Fri, 3/19/10, Vance E. Neff <> wrote:
>>>> <snip>
>>>>> UPDATE table1 set (?, ?, ?) WHERE col1=? and col2=?;
>>>>> I've never used binding before but have known it is a good
>>>>> idea in order
>>>>> to avoid injection of bad stuff.
>>>>> Vance
>>>> You count the question marks from left to right.
>>>>> UPDATE table1 set (<1>, <2>, <3>) WHERE col1=<4> and col2=<5>;
>>>> You can also put the index number you want to use after the ? so
>>>> they can be in any order you want.
>>> Better still is to use a symbolic name for the parameters.  The
>>> symbolic names can be any identifier that begins with $, :, or @.
>>> Examples:
>>>     UPDATE table1 SET col1=$c1val, co...@c2val, col3=:c3val
>>>       WHERE co...@c2val AND col3=:c3val;
>>> You still have to translate the symbolic name into a "parameter index"
>>> before you bind it.  The sqlite3_bind_parameter_index() routine will
>>> do that for you.
>>> In the programs I write, I always try to use symbolic names for
>>> parameters and I rig the infrastructure to handle the mapping from
>>> symbolic name to parameter index.  For example, if you are using the
>>> TCL interface to SQLite, you just specify TCL variables embedded in
>>> the SQL:
>>>       db eval {UPDATE table1 SET col1=$c1val WHERE col2=$c2val}
>>> In the statement above, the TCL interface automatically looks up the
>>> values of TCL variables $c1val and $c2val and binds them appropriately
>>> before running the statement.  It doesn't get any cleaner than this.
>>> Unfortunately, other programming languages require more complex
>>> syntax.  In the implementation of "Fossil" I do this:
>>>       db_prepare(&stmt, "UPDATE table1 SET col1=$c1val WHERE col2=
>>> $c2val");
>>>       db_bind_int(&stmt, "$c1val", 123);
>>>       db_bind_double(&stmt, "$c2val, 456.78);
>>>       db_step(&stmt);
>>>       db_finalize(&stmt);
>>> The db_bind_int() and db_bind_double() and similar routines wrap the
>>> sqlite3_bind_xxxxx() and sqlite3_bind_parameter_index() calls.
>>> If we've learned one thing over the history of computing it is that
>>> programmers are notoriously bad at counting parameters and that
>>> symbolic names tend to be much better at avoiding bugs.
>>> D. Richard Hipp
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