Can you provide more details?
What options are you using?
What version of the source? Amalgamation?  Preprocessed?  Complete package?

I could not reproduce this on the current or 3.6.23 build:

>./sqlite3 -version

>cat script.sql
CREATE TABLE current(x,y,z);
INSERT INTO current DEFAULT VALUES ('a', 'b', 30);

>./sqlite3 -init script.sql
-- Loading resources from script.sql
Error: near line 2: near "(": syntax error

If you are using the amalgamation or other pre-processed sources, you should
view the warnings at

Trying to OMIT or ENABLE features with compile options without using the
"canonical" sources can lead to issues like you are seeing.


2010/3/24 Tomasz Ł. Nowak <>

> Hi!
> A bug resulting in a crash (segmentation fault) of sqlite3 has been
> detected. Please find attached the script causing problems and a debug
> session log.
> Tested to be vulnerable:
> linux 3.6.23
> linux 3.6.22
> linux 3.6.4
> solaris 3.5.1
> Tested to be invulnerable:
> linux 2.8.17
> Best wishes
> Tomasz Nowak
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