for anyone else seeking the same answer --

On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 11:40 AM, P Kishor <> wrote:
> I hadn't upgraded my DBD in a while, so looked at CPAN today. First,
> what an amazing job the DBD maintainers have done, with all sorts of
> goodness available to the users. The collations and the action codes
> will be very helpful.
> What I need for now is, to compile DBD::SQLite with FTS3 and R*Tree.
> Are their specific compile time options I can use when doing a perl
> Makefile.PL? Easy instructions would be appreciated.

1. Download source code for DBD-SQLite from CPAN (don't use cpan program).
2. untar-gunzip the source code
3. edit Makefile.PL and add the following --
'-DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE=1'. In my Makefile.PL, my addition is on line
223 (see below)

216 my @CC_DEFINE = (
217         # '-DSQLITE_CORE',
218         '-DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3',
219         #  Disabled until we have a test for this
220         # '-DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS',  # for sqlite >= 3.6.10
222         '-DNDEBUG=1',
223         '-DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE=1'
224 );

4. Then, make && sudo make install

Puneet Kishor
Carbon Model
Charter Member, Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Science Commons Fellow,
Nelson Institute, UW-Madison
Assertions are politics; backing up assertions with evidence is science
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