On Mar 29, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Garry Watkins wrote:

> Will CEROD work with the new BerkleyDB implementation?

Please understand that the new SQL parser on BDB is entirely the work  
of Oracle and is independent of SQLite.  We here at SQLite.org have  
not participated in that effort.  We don't have any control over it,  
no rights to it, and no special knowledge of what Oracle has done,  
other than what we can see for ourselves by downloading and looking at  
the Oracle code.  We didn't even know it was taking place until it was  
largely complete.  So questions about what works or doesn't work with  
BDB should probably be directed to Oracle, not here.

That said, it seems to me that the Oracle effort has replaced the  
Btree and Pager layers of SQLite with their own BDB implementation.   
But CEROD works on the pager layer.  So CEROD is not likely to be  
compatible with BDB, even if you are using the SQLite front end on BDB.

D. Richard Hipp

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