> Can't you just store the struct as a blob and be done with it?

No, I can't use a blob because there are other queries where I want individual 
columns.  Storing to and from a struct is only one part of the application.  
Sorry, perhaps I should have specified that too.

> Why is 99 a 16-bit integer value and not, say, an 8-bit or a 32-bit one? How 
> is SQLite supposed to know?

How would SQLite know if "99" is 16-bit, 8-bit, 32-bit, etc... using the CREATE 
TABLE specified data types as a hint.

> sqlite3_column_bytes is really only meaningful for strings and blobs, 
not for numbers.

Perhaps, but I know for SQLITE_INTEGER type it gives me either 1, 2, or 4 for 
various inputs I've tried.  It's just not always the same as the original value 

> In order to preserve it, you need some way to specify it first. How do you 
> plan to do that?

Again, the data types specified in a CREATE TABLE statement can serve as a hint.

>> E.g.:    
>> CREATE TABLE test ( val1 
INTEGER, val2 INT2, val3 INT1 ... );
>> Here val1 
is always 4-bytes, val2 is always 2 bytes, and val3 is
always 1 byte. 

> Well, if you want to invent a naming 
convention like that, why don't you act on it yourself? Retrieve the 
type name with sqlite3_column_decltype, handle it as you see fit.

That was just an example, not an actual table declaration for this app.

So, basically I either store everything as a blob and lose the ability to query 
individual columns, or I have to rework a lot of existing code (the app uses 
MySQL now) to work with SQLite's own nuances?

-- Kevin

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