On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 07:57:05AM -0700, David Lyon wrote:
> if I had many many files like this:
> http://research.stowers-institute.org/efg/ScientificSoftware/Utility/FCSExtract/CC4_067_BM.txt
> you see 2 columns keyword and value, the keywords would be the fields
> (1st column in the html link above) in the table while the values
> (second column) are the data I would insert.

When you get to have many similar columns in one table you should
consider normalizing.  So a table with 10 sets of 6 very similar
columns, as in your example:

CREATE TABLE project (name TEXT, ...,
                  P1R INT, P1B INT, P1N TEXT, P1S TEXT, P1E TEXT, P1P INT,
                  P2R ...);

can become two tables:

CREATE TABLE project (project_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, ...);
CREATE TABLE projectPs (project_id INT, x INT,
                        PxR INT, PxB INT, PxN TEXT, PxS TEXT, PxE TEXT,
                        PxP INT);

-- get P1R, P2R and P3R for name = ...
SELECT proj.*, ps.PxR FROM project proj NATURAL JOIN projectPs ps WHERE
        proj.name = ... AND x < 4;


CREATE TABLE project (project_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, ...);
CREATE TABLE project_fields (project_id INT, keyword TEXT, value TEX);

-- get P*R for name = ...
SELECT proj.*, pf.value FROM project proj NATURAL JOIN project_fields pf
        WHERE proj.name = ... AND pf.keyword LIKE P_R;


CREATE TABLE project (project_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, ...);
CREATE TABLE project_int_fields (project_id INT, keyword TEXT, value INT);
CREATE TABLE project_text_fields (project_id INT, keyword TEXT, value TEXT);

and so on.

You could go all the way and just have one table indexed by file name
and keyword with a value column.  However, understanding your data will
help you do better; the file you point to doesn't really include enough
information to know how best to represent it and others like it in a SQL

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