>I need to find out how many specific weekdays (e.g., how many Sundays) 
>I have in any given range of dates.
>My problem: How to use the COUNT function in combination with the 
>strftime() function.
>$ sqlite3 test.db3
>SQLite version 3.6.20
>sqlite> create table test (date VARCHAR(20), money INTEGER);
>sqlite> INSERT INTO "test" VALUES('2007-07-20', 1000);
>sqlite> INSERT INTO "test" VALUES('2007-07-21', 2100);
>sqlite> INSERT INTO "test" VALUES('2007-07-22', 2200);

That will do:
select count(*) from test where date between '2007-07-20' and 
'2007-07-22' and strftime('%w', date) = '0';

This will select and count, not compute anything.

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