Got it, thinks Jay.

On 5/6/10, Jay A. Kreibich <> wrote:
> On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 05:10:31AM -0700, Matt Young scratched on the wall:
>> OK, I got it.
>> insert into seriesid
>>      select series_id,min(ROWID) from
>>      seriesdata group by series_id;
>> This gets me a table with a pointer to the firs instance of  series_id
>> in the bigger table having multiple copies, it assumes that the  ids
>> are contiguous, allowing me to use offset, limit to extract just the
>> date series I want.
>   It would make a lot more sense to just query the seriesdata table with
>   a "WHERE series_id = :id" condition.  You're writing SQL, but you're
>   still thinking in C.
>   Also, you don't want to be using ROWID as the target of your foreign key.
>   In cases like this, setup an explicit INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, which will
>   act as a ROWID alias.
>   The difference is that ROWIDs are not stable through a VACUUM, while
>   INTEGER PRIMARY KEYs are properly preserved.
>     -j
> --
> Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >
> "Our opponent is an alien starship packed with atomic bombs.  We have
>  a protractor."   "I'll go home and see if I can scrounge up a ruler
>  and a piece of string."  --from Anathem by Neal Stephenson
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