select top 10 * from dailyRankingTable

union all

SELECT a.* FROM dailyRankingTable a, friendTable b WHERE upper(b.player)
= upper('?') AND upper(b.friend) = upper(

Top 10 does not work for SQlite I believe. But you might can find something
like it.


On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Ian Hardingham <> wrote:

> Hey guys.
> I have the following query:
> SELECT a.* FROM dailyRankingTable a, friendTable b WHERE upper(b.player)
> = upper('?') AND upper(b.friend) = upper(
> (ignore the uppers for now - I'm going to refactor soon)
> I would like this query to also select the first 10 elements of
> dailyRankingTable regardless - is that possible in one select?
> Thanks,
> Ian
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