>I would first create an INTEGER primary key and then place an index on 
>another on i_from, and another on i_to, and then see if the approach below
>has any benefit.
>When I tried this with a geo-queryit was actually slower than the standard
>select, and I'm curious if that's always going to be the case. It will 
>down to how efficient the INTERSECT of the vectors of integers is. Each
>vector will have been the result of an index-scan.  If INTERSECT were
>optimized (perhaps with a minimal perfect hash function
>http://cmph.sourceforge.net/index.html) this approach might be useful.

All three following queries use only simple indexes (PK, name, lo, hi).

select * from tst where lo < 345678
select * from tst where hi > 123456
select * from tst where name = 'aaelj';

select * from tst
     join (
         select rowid from tst where lo < 345678
         select rowid from tst where hi > 123456
     ) as interval
     on tst.rowid = interval.rowid and name = 'aaelj';

select * from tst
     join (
         select rowid from tst where lo < 345678
         select rowid from tst where hi > 123456
         select rowid from tst where name = 'aaelj'
     ) as interval
     on tst.rowid = interval.rowid;

On a 200K-row test table with random data, queries #2 and #3 were 
essentially identical while #1 was twice slower (moving too much data 
around, uselessly).

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