Hi Gilles,

I do not quite understand why this is important to you, but the answer
is independent of SQLite itself - and it is a trifle complicated.

You can add Fortran to the list below - either a static or a dynamic
library will do fine.

If you look at Tcl, the matter becomes more complicated:
- Tcl supports static packages, in which case you can add a static
   library to the link step (and add a call to the proper Tcl functions
   to initialise it).
- Tcl also supports dynamically loading packages, in which case you
   need a dynamic library. But, and here comes the complication, you
   can also wrap the Tcl runtime executable and all (!) its dependencies
   into a single file. In fact there are various options to do so,
   for instance via Tclkit (you get a so-called starkit then).
   Does that count as a single EXE? You only need to distribute a
   single file - but there is still a dynamic library in there

I am not very familiar with other dynamic languages (scripting
languages if you want), but I understand they have similar

A language where this is definitely not possible is Java. There
you need to supply separate jar-files and native libraries. But
again, that is a matter of the _language mechanisms_, not of
SQLite. (The same for C#, if I am not grossly mistaken)



On 2010-05-21 11:31, Gilles Ganault wrote:
> Hello
> My C skills are very basic. I was wondering: After compiling SQLite
> into an .OBJ or .LIB file, what languages can be used to include this
> output into a main program, so we end up with a single EXE.
> I assume we have the choice of:
> - C
> - C++
> - Delphi (?)
> - Other?
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