This is my first time to reply email of gmane-news.
so if there is anything wrong, please forgive me.


>Which operating system are you running ?


>Are you running your code in the command-line program or with your own
program ?


>If you are running your own program, are you accessing SQLite with the C
functions, or are you using a library

>someone else made ?




My operating system is fedora10.

Uname �Ca : 

Linux localhost.localdomain #1 PREEMPT Mon Sep 14
22:21:15 UTC 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux


Yesterday, I only tested it in the command line.
Today, I tested example program. The result was as same as command line.
The program I used was a example:


>Information on this page:
>           The "INSERT INTO *table* DEFAULT VALUES" form of the
>INSERT<>statement is not
>I do not think it is a problem/defect/bug. What say?
I had read this page, what the page said is that sqlite doesn`t support a 
"DEFAULT VALUES" form of the INSERT statement with a trigger.

But I think even though sqlite doesn`t support it, the core dump is 
a fatal error, it will crash the totall program which is using sqlite. 

Whatever user do, at least there should be dump an error to the control 
or err-log like “DEFAULT VALUES with trigger is not supported by sqlite!”

and let the main program continue rather than a core dump.
So I think it is a bug.
>  Known bug.  Fixed:
>    -j
>Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >
Yeah, my investigation is from the email:

So I had read the page what you provided.

Even though it had been fixed in 3.6.23, why I could reproduce it?

My sqlite version is, Need I some lately update?or patch?
-bash-3.2# sqlite3 -version
Thanks for all reply.


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