On 14 Jun 2010, at 3:16am, Prakash Reddy Bande wrote:

> I have stumbled upon the issue as described in http://sqlite.org/faq.html#q5 
> (But use caution: this locking mechanism might not work correctly if the 
> database file is kept on an NFS filesystem.)
> The question is, do we have a workaround. Our application has to store data 
> in user home directory (RHEL/SLES/CentOS) and the home directory might be on 
> a NFS device (as is my home directory). 
> stat -f -c %X /users/prakash returns nfs.

Which version of NFS ?  Locking was introduced in version 4.  However, locking 
even under NFS sucks.  That warning in the SQLite FAQ isn't there because the 
writers of SQLite are bad programmers, it's there because locking under many 
NFS installations is not implemented properly.

You may have an alternative of accessing your NFS drive as a shared drive.  If 
you do this, then locking is implemented by the networking protocol, not by the 
driver of the space being shared.  So if you have a way of sharing your NFS 
drive via SMB or AFS, or some other common space-sharing system, you might be 
able to get around the NFS problems completely.

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